VOCABOLARIO - anno 2018
it | Livello bibliografico | en | Bibliographic Level |
Termini usati nei dati per il livello bibliografico |
URI | itrousr-bibliographic_level | |
Download | skos rdf/xml dump; skos json dump | |
it en | Licenza di distribuzione Distribution license | ![]() |
it en | Fonte Source | UNIMARC to MODS mapping![]() External dataset connection |
# | it TERMINE Descrizione | en TERM Description | it Fonte en Source |
1 | Collezione Composta da gruppi di risorse che non sono state originariamente pubblicate, distribuite o prodotte insieme. Contiene informazioni amministrative o di provenienza. | Collection Made-up multipart group of items that were not originally published, distributed, or produced together. The record describes units defined by common provenance or administrative convenience for which the record is intended as the most comprehensive in the system. | UNIMARC to MARC 21 Conversion Specifications - Version 3 August 2001![]() |
2 | Monografia | Monographic | UNIMARC to MARC 21 Conversion Specifications - Version 3 August 2001![]() |
3 | Monografia composta da parti digitali Monografia composta da diversi oggetti digitali che ne rappresentano le parti | Monographic with digital components A monographic item, represented by digital objects as components | local vocabulary |
4 | Monografia multiparte | Multipart monograph | UNIMARC to MARC 21 Conversion Specifications - Version 3 August 2001![]() |
5 | Part componente di seriale Risorsa bibliografica caricata in sequenza...componente | Serial component part Serial bibliographic unit that is physically attached to or contained in another unit such that the retrieval of the component part is dependent on the identification and location of the host item or container. Contains fields that describe the component part and data that identify the host, field 773 (Host Item Entry) | UNIMARC to MARC 21 Conversion Specifications - Version 3 August 2001![]() |
6 | Parte componente di monografia Parte componente di una monografia rappresentata da uno specifico oggetto digitale | Monographic component part Component part of a monographic item, represented by a specific digital object | local vocabulary |
7 | Risorsa in continuazione Risorsa bibliografica caricata in sequenza... | Serial Bibliographic item issued in successive parts bearing numerical or chronological designations and intended to be continued indefinitely. Includes periodicals; newspapers; annuals (reports, yearbooks, etc.); the journals, memoirs, proceedings, transactions, etc., of societies; and numbered monographic series, etc. | UNIMARC to MARC 21 Conversion Specifications - Version 3 August 2001![]() |
8 | Risorsa integrativa | Integrating resource | UNIMARC to MARC 21 Conversion Specifications - Version 3 August 2001![]() |
9 | Unità singola | Singol unit | MODS Elements and Attributes![]() |